...É singular
Tua vergonha e tua forma de pensar,
Tua vergonha e tua forma de pensar,
O teu abraço que me enlaça devagar,
E enfeita todos os meus dias e horas,
É tão particular o meu encontro quando é com você,
O meu sorriso quando tem o teu pra acompanhar,
As minhas histórias quando você para pra escutar,
A minha vida quando tenho alguém pra chamar,
De vida...
... It is singular,
Your shame and your way of thinking,
Your embrace that binds me slowly,
And adorn all my days and hours,
My meeting is so special when it is with you,
My smile when you have yours to follow,
My stories when you stop to listen, My life when I have someone to call,
Of life Excerpt from the music of Anavitória: Singular.
Artista : Ana e Vitoria
Musica : Singular
Your shame and your way of thinking,
Your embrace that binds me slowly,
And adorn all my days and hours,
My meeting is so special when it is with you,
My smile when you have yours to follow,
My stories when you stop to listen, My life when I have someone to call,
Of life Excerpt from the music of Anavitória: Singular.
Artista : Ana e Vitoria
Musica : Singular